Saturday, October 27, 2018


Somehow, I lost track of September... HAPPY OCTOBER!!! Although the month of September slipped past me, I can assure you all that I have been skating. Just not skating well. I don't know if it's due to my weight (I blame EVERYTHING on my weight!) or my lack of sufficient sleep or too much homework or too much work-work. No matter how you slice it; it's not powering on as quickly as I hoped. I cannot understand how I skated better when my feet would numb after 10 minutes of skating than I am right now. Jumps have gone to visit other people, confidence is in the gutter and my feet still hurt!!! Add to that my coach's strong desire to have me ice dance and compete in dance and you have my skating world. I'm leaving out life, school and work; it gets too dull and repetitive to mention my non-skating world. Tomorrow morning, I will be on the ice. My coach cannot come, but I will practice my Dutch Waltz and Canasta Tango because I should. Is this helping my Silver Moves In the Field? Who knows? I am so fed-up with that dang test it isn't funny. Well 6:15am on a Sunday comes awfully fast. It's already 11:30pm. I need to get some sleep. Oh and don't get me started on the Rhythm Blues... I can't even think about that one and I'm not even sure it's next! I wrote the beginning of this blog a week ago and am just getting back to it. My tablet, which I faithfully wrote so many of my blogs on, functions only when it feels like it, so I have to wait until I am home to write. Home and not doing homework. I am so blessed to be in the ASL program I'm in, however, it is kicking my ass. After class on Tuesday, I took a fall while walking down the street. I mention it only because, other than being bruised all over the front of my body, including wrists (which made signing in class for a project on Wednesday kind of slow), I'm a bit achy. Happily on Thursday, my jump coach was sympathetic; he only had me do my jumps fifteen times instead of twenty. I am pleased to say that they are slowly coming back. More practice, less belly and I should have them back before the end of the year. The core is key. So, I've decided to compete in a Showcase competition in February. I just have to purchase and cut the music and choreograph the program. Piece of cake. I also have a two midterms and a presentation I have to do for work. Piece of cake!