Friday, February 8, 2013


NYC is supposed to get hit with a massive snow storm. According to NY1 (a local TV channel), the snow will start at 7:00am. My job took that information and ran with it, closing the office at noon. It is now 3:30pm and it still hasn't started snowing. Insert a photo of me shrugging here. I had two things planned for this afternoon: either a freestyle session or an echocardiogram. Both have been canceled. But it isn't snowing. I should get that echocardiogram; I've been having odd chest pains for over a month. Sometimes they make me lightheaded. Most of the time, they just make me have to sit down. I can't catch my breath, and I feel as though I'm about to pass out. Yeah, I guess should have that test done. But it cuts into my skating time in Long Island!!!!! Not today. The weather channel is still saying that it will be a major snow storm. It's raining here; freezing rain, but rain just the same. Maybe next Friday... I'll go have that test. Why is my body falling apart? Wonder if it's related to my weight. Is everything related to my weight?

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