Tuesday, January 23, 2024


Everyone needs a cheerleader now and then. Sometimes, that voice telling you that "you can do it" or "I'm proud of you" is all you need to continue, to get up when you're feeling down, to go forward when you think you have nothing. Sometimes, there is no voice, other than the one in your head. The voice that tells you you're not good enough, smart enough, fast enough, young enough, thin enough or something enough. The voice that you can't always silence but wish you could. Allow me to tell you that you ARE enough. Don't wait until you've lost weight, mastered the jump, feel worthy of the praise, or feel that you're "ready". Just go and TRY. Yes, you may fall on your face. Yes, you may fail, but you tried! Don't live off your old conquests. The past cannot return and allow you to relive the glory. Make a new glory. Conquer new battles. Make new memories. You only fail if you stop trying. That thing you always wanted to do, will you fail? Probably at first. Will you be embarrassed? Yes, but no one ever died of embarrassment. At first, it may not work out. You may be so bad at it that others roll their eyes when they see you trying. Imagine their faces when you finally get it. You may never be the best. Or land that multi-revolution jump. Or get that TV or Broadway show. Or sing at Carnegie Hall. Or winthe lottery. But you tried and you continued to take steps toward your goal. Everyone has gifts in a closet. Don’t die with all those gifts in your closet unopened. Also, check on people. Everyone is dealing with something; good, bad, or indifferent. But it's the person who always says "I'm fine" with an overly happy smile, who is probably in most need of your ear, a hug or even the acknowledgement that you know they're around. Treat everyone with kindness. Try not to complain too much. Get enough sleep. Laugh whenever you can (and it’s appropriate). Reach out to those you love. Do something you want to do, even if you’re scared, even if you don’t think you’re ready. You’d be surprised how many people use the excuse that they’re “not ready” and watch time and opportunity slip through your fingers. Your family and friends will understand if this means missing a holiday or two; it’s important to you. Never give up. Not on your dreams, your hopes, your desires. Don’t quit. Every step is a victory. Showing up is a victory. And I’m proud of you.

Saturday, January 6, 2024

Off-Ice Class

I signed up for an eight week, two classes per weekend, off-ice online program. Nothing tells you how out of shape you are than taking a 45 minute off-ice class. Nothing. Jumping around for 45 minutes takes a lot when you're overweight and out of shape. Several weeks later and I discovered that my body usually hurts either when I sit for too long, or the next day. After the first two classes (they are on Saturays and Sundays), I found out that parts of my body I didn't know could hurt, did indeed hurt. My eyelashes hurt. My back hurt. My knees hurt. My side hurt. My shins hurt. Now, as I approach the last class of an eight week session, I'm not in as much pain in so many different areas. Now, only my quads, knees and back hurt. Happily, my eyelashes are fine. As I mentioned, you don't realize how out of shape you are until you're the only adult in an online off-ice class and you have to stop several times during the 4-6 minute jump rope portion of the warmup. No part of my body enjoys that. And I sound like I'm 20,000 years old with a smoker's cough when jumping rope. And I don't even use a jump rope! I tried the first class, only to discover that I don't really have enough room to jump rope in my living room. You can still stumble through a jump rope warmup without an actual jump rope. Being a clockwise or lefty skater is always a lesson in reversing instructions. Teacher says "left hand", you know it's your right hand. Teacher says "land on your right foot", you know it's land on your left foot. When instructed to do jumps in both directions, that's when I get confused. Right hand? Left hand? Whatever. Just try your best. At least I know my right from my left; there are two little ones in my class who aren't so sure. Before you say I'm being mean, they're at least 8 years old. By 8, you should know your right from your left. Last week, I took a tumble during class, falling down hard in front of my camera, scraping my knees and shins and somehow breaking a toe nail. As if I were on the ice, got right back up, checked for blood and continued the class. Once class was over, it was time for ice packs, bandaids and antibotic ointment. Later that night, a nice cold glass of champagne soothed the pain. As this session of off-ice classes with this particular company draws to a close, I have noticed that my jumps have a bit more spring in them. Even my coach noticed the spring in my jumps. I was surprised to learn that I should be doing off-ice four times a week, including the class. Oops. I will add that to my list of things to do. After watching a fellow skater's YouTube video on a week in her life, it's obvious that I need to organize my life better. Granted, she doesn't work weekends and due to the amount of work I have, I do work weekends. She also lives in Manhattan, so she doesn't kill two hours a day just traveling to and from the rink. Her hours are also more flexible than mine; I absolutely have to be signed into the system no later than 9:30, although no one gives a hoot about what time I sign off. Somehow I have to find time for a lunch break so I can do my new obsession: Medicine Ball workouts. Add that obsession to my spin class and kickboxing. Doing this and meal preps and I won't feel so out of shape. I also need to organize my work space so I don't constantly mutter swear words while thinking "where is my PEN?!?!" I will be trying a new off-ice class in a few weeks. This one is for adult skaters, so we'll be muted on Zoom so you don't hear the sound of popping and cracking body parts. We'll all smell like mentholatum, but since we're home, no one will notice. I'll update you on that class once it starts. Meanwhile, I'm off to run errands. Happy skating.