Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Off Topic

This relates to skating only slightly; it's about my job. It relates to skating because it PAYS for my skating. In the 5 months I have had this job, in my incredibly small department of 7 people, 3 people have resigned. TWO of those 3 people were MY BOSSES!!! Now, I know it has nothing to do with me, but, it's beginning to make me a little uncomfortable... Should I start looking again?? Should I have never stopped? Why does my chest hurt all the time? I think that's stress... Three people in five months? My VP quit 2 days after I started. My director sent me a text message this evening because I had already left (after working 10 1/2 hours). Has this ever happened to you where everyone seems to be leaving and you're not and no one is telling you why?


  1. It may be a sign the company's about to go under (I know you've thought of that). I won't hurt to look for a new job. If you get an interview tell them the reason (people leaving and you think the company's about to fail).

  2. Thanks, I was thinking the same thing. Just the other day. my new VP went to the hospital for an emergency heart procedure. My resume is at the ready...
