Sunday, September 22, 2019

Yeah.... Right....

Part of me can't get past the fact that Hollywood is remaking West Side Story. It's a movie of that time; I can't imagine how badly they will screw it up. On to skating. My out-of-town skating friends think I should drop Amy as a coach. She has close to zero confidence in my skating, hence, all the dance lessons. When I began skating, I was told that if you can't jump, you dance. If you can't dance, you do synchro. This is not necessarily true, but those words circle my brain every single dance lesson. I'm told I have a great line for dance. Lovely. Doesn't that mean I also have a great line for freestyle? I've spent a lot of time dancing; my freestyle has suffered because of it. The ability to step into a spin seems to elude me. I used to be able to spin in a half tied skate and now, I can't even step into one correctly. I'm going to blame this on my weight and lack of core strength; it makes me feel better. Rather than busting my bottom to finish the pre-Bronze dances so I can go to Nationals, I've decided not to go. I want to go to Nationals, but on my terms and my terms include a freeskate program. I'll do the solo freedance, but I will also do a freeskate. I'm not traveling to wherever, just to do a program I don't want to do. And if I never pass my Silver Moves or Freestyle, then so be it; I'm out. You have all heard me complain about how much I dislike ice dancing. I made a deal with myself to finish the pre-Bronze and after that, no more. I hate right inside mohawks (heck, I hate mohawks), it's impossible to get through a dance on most of the sessions I skate and music... UGH! Who picks that stuff? It's awful. I like old music, don't get me wrong, but it's two steps away from organ music of the 1950s. So the pressure is off for April and Nationals. There are two competitions I would really like to do. I will send my music to Marc and see if I have a vote of no-confidence from him. Meantime, I am looking for better and tolerable ice dancing music: Rhythm Blues and the Swing Dance. Until next time...

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