Saturday, June 2, 2012

Is It June Already??

My sentence as the ice monitor for the Sunday sessions has finally ended. It actually ended a few weeks ago, but Blogger wasn't cooperating and AOL no longer supports it. AOL doesn't support much these days: YouTube, Blogger, Ice Network and another site that I can't recall the name of, but shows musical numbers from Broadway shows. My final two weeks as monitor were punctuated by my not skating at all. I suppose because the outdoor rinks had closed, everyone and their cousin showed up for the club session. They all brought their attitudes and their obnoxious parents. So, what did I end up doing? Playing the music. Program after program. It was because of the music hogs; those kids and coaches who have to play their music over and over again. Uggghhhhh!!!!! Happily, some of the kids were really grateful that I played the music. One girl asked if I would get the chance to skate the session and I told her no. She stated, "That's not fair." And I said, "No, it's not. But it's okay because it's the last time I'll do it." And it was. There's a party next Sunday to say good-bye to those skaters who are going off to college. It's also to say good-bye to me. I've already told the other monitors and several of the club officers that I won't be available to monitor next year. While everyone understands why I don't want to come back, everyone still wants me to return. When I asked, why? What was in it for me? No one could answer me. It was for the good of the club, I was told. Allow me to mention again: this is not my home club. Tomorrow is the competition that I'm not doing. I'm really disappointed that nothing worked right this season. I'm still fat. I still have an annoying cough, a back that always hurts and a job that I hate. I have spent so much time concentrating on studying ASL that I have let other things slip through my fingers. Skating, writing, dieting, working out. I need to find a balance. I need to find some way to lose 50 pounds. I'd also like to have a date sometime this decade. I just want a little happiness. And three solid double jumps and maybe one triple.

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