Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Pumpkin Spice

It's October and you know what that means??? We've been in quarantine for almost seven months. Happily, my rinks have returned to having freestyle sessions. No public sessions, which will really be painful for them once the weather gets colder. As any cheesy Hallmark holiday movie will tell you, you just HAVE TO go ice skating during the Christmas break. And if it's a Hallmark movie, there's a Christmas tree, hot chocolate stand or several benches in the middle of the ice, just begging for someone to end up having an Ice Castles moment. For those of you who are unfamiliar with the original movie, our heroine does a jump into a bunch of chained up chairs, hits her head and goes blind. As for my skating, it has been somewhat hit and miss. Some days are great, I mean really great. The next session, I'm tripping over my feet. Go figure. I'm also trying to skate three times a week. I usually make it twice. That's all I have for now. I'm thinking of changing my music since I'm not in a rush due to a competition. I'll have to see. Until next time, happy pumpkin spice.

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