Sunday, November 29, 2020

Day In The Life

This post has absolutely nothing to do with The Beatles song of the same title. I would quote it here, but it's really not appropriate. Since I'm working from home, I watch YouTube videos and movies on Amazon. It's background noise while I work and keeps me from running into the streets from sheer boredum. Like many jobs, mine is tedious and repetive. Oh so repetive... While watching YouTube videos, I came across several adult figure skaters who did "A Day In The Life" videos when they are skating. It's usually the same: what time they get up, how they get to the rink, skating, after skating, etc. Some of these videos are a few years old; many are about one year old. However, something caught my eye in all of them: they don't ever seem to go to work. Ever. In the environment we are currently living in, I can comprehend that people are working various shifts from home. However, almost all of these videos are at least ten months old, so pre-quarantine. If they aren't going to work, how in the world are they paying for their skating? Watching someone work isn't interesting; I know that. At least mention that you're heading to work. Or if you're independently wealthy, tell us all how you did it. Watching these videos gave me the idea to document my day when skating. I will document an entire week of skating and then report back. There will be no video because I pride myself in not having my image on the internet. Also, after I finish skating, do you know what I do? I go to work. Due to circumstances this week, I will not be skating at all. I expect to be back on the ice next week with the exciting play-by-play of my week on and off the ice. You'll be on the edge of your seat! Until then...

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